The stand seems like a really good value for the money. The rollers on the extensions seem to do pretty good, it was fairly easy to assemble, and the adjustable leg helps it to feel more solid on uneven ground. Keep in mind, this is not a high-end stand, but something to get you started. The metal tubing isn't the strongest, and as such, its feature set is pretty limited. The instructions are lacking. It's not hard to guesstimate how it all goes together, but it would have been easy for the manufacturer to include just a little bit more detail. I will note that my DeWalt DW715 12\" miter saw does not allow me to use the cross pieces on the mounting system as they are too narrow. Instead, I have to mount the saw directly to the clamping pieces that fit on the stand. Likely note a big deal, but it's not even presented as an option in the instructions.