Many years ago my first job was working for a concrete company. I’ve spent many hours behind industrial jack hammers so perhaps this review will help your decision in purchasing this jack hammer.So for two hundred bucks I believe you’ll definitely get your monies worth. I used mine to break up a 70 year old driveway under a carport that had tree roots starting to break it beyond repair. The slab was approx. 4 yards worth of concrete.This machine gets hot but takes a while to get there. I’d take a 10-15 minute break every hour and place the hammer in front of a fan to help it cool off. I wanted to be sure not to burn it up. I broke the tip of both bits fairly quickly but it seemed to have no real effect on the hammer. Just had to bend over an extra inch or so.I’m 6’ tall and it’s hard standing upright while using this.IMPORTANT!!!! After my second hour of using the hammer I noticed on the ground a new looking allen head bolt directly underneath where I was working. I stopped immediately to check the hammer to see if said bolt fell out. Sure enough it had come from the hammer. I also noticed all the allen headed bolts located on the collar of the bottom of the hammer were either on the verge of coming out or extremely loose! So I’d advise before it’s first use make sure to tighten ALL FASTENERS on this machine! I’m not sure what would’ve happened if they all would’ve fallen out but I’m sure it wouldn’t have been pretty.There’s a site glass on the outside of the machine that tells you how much hydraulic oil is there. Besides the site glass is a sticker that advises to fill with hydrolic oil before first use. I did not have to fill it as it was already completely full.Anyway other than loose bolts this machine did exactly what I needed it to do. Saved myself about $600 in labor by busting up the old driveway.