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VEVOR Distillatore d'Acqua 4L Macchina per Acqua Distillata 1L/h 750W, Macchina per Distillare Acqua Uso Alimentare Contenitore Interno Vetro Acciaio Inox per Purificazione Acqua Casa Ufficio Clinica

Recensioni dei clienti per VEVOR Distillatore d'Acqua 4L Macchina per Acqua Distillata 1L/h 750W, Macchina per Distillare Acqua Uso Alimentare Contenitore Interno Vetro Acciaio Inox per Purificazione Acqua Casa Ufficio Clinica


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27 Recensione(i)
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Gabriele Sepe Gabriele Sepe
Buon prodotto
Acquistato in quanto in casa ho diversi dispositivi in cui utilizzo acqua distillata tra cui: robot puliscipavimenti (tanta), ferro da stiro, altra apparecchiatura medicale ecc. Stanco di riempire i carrelli del supermercato di tanichette da 5 litri ho provato il distillatore che fa il suo dovere senza tante problematiche. Facile da usare. Consiglio di effettuare spesso la pulizia con l'acido citrico (un barattolino in dotazione con il primo acquisto) non aspettando che sul fondo si formi una "crosta" importante. Naturalmente ha senso solo se si autoproduce gratis l'energia elettrica (pannello fotovoltaico, eolico o altro) ed in questo caso è veramente un ottimo acquisto che ripeterei senza alcun dubbio. Nel caso di produzione esclusivamente con l'energia di rete è più conveniente il prodotto della grande distribuzione e si puo giustificare l'acquisto solo per evitare i disagi di trasporto delle tanichette da 5 l.
roberto krenn roberto krenn
ok con ordine.
ok ordine ricevuta in anticipo e la fattura.
sergio sergio
funziona e produce acqua distillata , ma come vedete dal video il coperchio non tiene bene e si apre con la pressione del vapore
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Mister Review Guy Sir Mister Review Guy Sir
Good product
Takes 4 hours to do a batch of water. Don't regret the purchase. Nice product
Chemaff Chemaff
Manual solo en ingles, traduccion a español :
Como el manual solo viene en ingles, añado traducción en español.Instalación / montaje :1. sacar la botella de almacenamiento del interior del destilador2. Llene el tanque con agua utilizando el recipiente suministrado (diagrama 2), no llene demasiado el tambor del destilador. El uso de agua caliente reducirá el tiempo de destilación, pero no el agua hirviendo del hervidor, ya que podría dañar el recipiente.3. coloque la tapa superior en el cuerpo de la máquina asegurándose de que la junta de silicona esté bien colocada alrededor de todo el borde. Esto debe ser al aire. 4. La máquina debe estar sobre una superficie estable.4. Conecte el cable de alimentación de la tapa superior al cuerpo de la máquina.Uso :5. presione el botón de inicio (botón verde) . el indicador rojo de encendido se iluminará y el ventilador se encenderá automáticamente, el tanque comenzará a calentarse, iniciando así el proceso de destilación.6. el agua comenzará a gotear en la botella de almacenamiento después de aproximadamente 30 minutos. El proceso de destilación de 4 litros de agua durará aproximadamente 4 horas.7. La unidad se apagará automáticamente cuando el ciclo haya terminado. Por favor, tenga en cuenta que debe dejar que el aparato se enfríe antes de iniciar otro ciclo.7. No utilice la primera botella de agua destilada, ya que puede contener impurezas del proceso de fabricación.8. el destilador puede ser apagado en cualquier momento con el botón de apagado (botón rojo)Nota :- utilice la unidad en un lugar seco y bien ventilado- mantenga el cuerpo de la unidad seco - sólo llene con agua usando una jarra- el botón de inicio iniciará el ciclo de destilación y se apagará automáticamente cuando el ciclo haya terminado. Para detener la unidad a mitad del ciclo, pulse el botón de apagado (botón rojo).- no sumerja ninguna parte del aparato en agua- no retire la tapa mientras el aparato esté en mitad del ciclo. Espere a que la unidad se haya enfriado antes de retirar la tapa.Limpieza :enjuagu
Christina Martin Christina Martin
I use it carefully and it works, but is sometimes messy
I have had mine for 6 months, and it is still working. I use it for water for my cpap, and also for my coffee pot to prevent calcium buildup inside. After carefully reviewing reviews, I am careful to set a timer and turn it off before it finishes. You can also tell by looking at the catching container and how full it is. It has worked consistently, but there are a few considerations. I am sure the more expensive ones are easier to use, but they are a lot more expensive.* There is no power button, only a reset button that doesn't do much good. You must plug/unplug it to turn it on and off, or have a smart plug or a power source with an on/off switch.* You must set it to 108 when you turn it on, if you are distilling water. Otherwise it reaches 95 and then turns itself off. Then you have to let it cool a little before you can turn it back on.* The catching lid (the open one with a guard on one side) is difficult to position. If it is not positioned correctly, water will go everywhere. This is my biggest issue.* As others have mentioned, it gets rather loud, but I think not loud enough to interfere with other things. My television sits about 15 feet away from it, and I don't notice it much when watching tv.* The lid attaches to the machine by an electric cord, and it makes it a hassle to fill or clean.A few other notes about using:* Set a timer and stop it before it stops itself. I have read that it extends the life, and I know that it also makes cleaning much easier. Most of the calcium in my water turns to flakes that swirl in the water, but if allowed to run till dry, it leaves a scaly residue that doesn't rinse out.* Wash it after every use. As the water remaining inside the distiller cools it will reach optimum temperature for algae growth. You don't have to do the descale cleaning every time, though. Just when it looks like it needs it.All in all, I think it was a good purchase. I've had mine for just over 6 months, using it 2-3 times a week. A few times I have f
Tomandi Tomandi
I didn’t realize that was in my water!
One of the first things you will find out about using this distiller, which works marvelously, is how much “stuff” is in your tap water. We filter our water even before putting it in the distiller and yet there is still residue from our very lime rich water left in the bottom. This has worked perfectly for making the water we use for our coffee maker and for our humidifier, both working best with distilled water. This pays for itself quickly. Well worth the price.
Melody Murdock Melody Murdock
love this distiller
I don't know what the water actually tastes like because I only bought it to distill water for my C-pap machine because I was tired of going to the store and not finding any or paying an arm and a leg for it. I followed someone else's advice for cleaning it and just used equal amounts vinegar and water, let it set for 30 minutes or so and it cleaned right up. I also used someone else's advise and threw the first batch out. I made another batch that day and one the next day, cleaned it up and put it away. When I have gone through my first gallon of distilled water I will make another, so I always have one in use and one ready to go. I don't know how this would hold up for use everyday because I won't be using it that often but so far so good and I am hoping to be able to use this machine for a long time to come. I did feel like the directions for using the machine contradicted themselves in a couple of places. But it all worked out. Watching a U-Tube video probably helped me out the most.
Craig A. Vanderbilt Craig A. Vanderbilt
Great buy
Have saved a lot of money using this machine. Has paid for itself 3 fold. I use it for my humidifier. No longer have to go to the store to purchase distilled water.
Mike Stevenson Mike Stevenson
Works as advertised. Buy the charcoal filters.

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